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Declutter Your Home

This Article Written By
Carly C.

Carly C.

Author / Co-Owner

Hi there, my name is Carly! I am a massive New England Patriots fan, I cannot start my day without Starbucks, and… growing up, I was my mom’s messiest kid. Who would’ve thought I would be the one to own a cleaning business.

A clutter-free home isn’t just aesthetically pleasing; it can also promote a sense of calm, productivity, and overall well-being. However, decluttering can often feel like a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. At FreshLee Cleaning Co., we’re here to guide you through the decluttering process and help you create a space that feels organized, functional, and inviting.

Set Clear Goals

Before diving into decluttering, take some time to identify your goals and priorities. Are you looking to create more space, improve organization, or simply reduce excess belongings? Setting clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the decluttering process.

Start Small

Decluttering an entire home can be overwhelming, so start small by focusing on one room or area at a time. Begin with a manageable space, such as a closet, drawer, or countertop, and work your way up to larger areas as you build momentum. Breaking the process down into smaller tasks will make it feel more achievable and less intimidating.

Sort and Purge

As you declutter each space, sort items into categories such as keep, donate, sell, and toss. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and love, and let go of items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. Donate gently used items to charity, sell valuable items online or at a garage sale, and dispose of any broken or unusable items responsibly.

Maximize Storage Space

Once you’ve decluttered, maximize your storage space to keep belongings organized and easily accessible. Invest in storage solutions such as bins, baskets, shelves, and drawer organizers to corral items and make the most of vertical space. Utilize underutilized areas such as the back of doors, inside cabinets, and under beds for additional storage.

Create Systems and Routines

Establishing systems and routines is key to maintaining a clutter-free home in the long term. Develop habits such as daily tidying sessions, weekly decluttering sessions, and designated spots for frequently used items. Label storage containers and shelves to help family members easily locate and return items to their proper places.

Ready To Kickstart Your Declutter Journey?

Decluttering your home is a transformative process that can create a more organized, functional, and harmonious living environment. By following these expert tips from FreshLee Cleaning Co., you can conquer clutter and reclaim your space with confidence. Contact FreshLee Cleaning Co. today to learn more about our professional services and take the first step towards a clutter-free home.