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Eco Friendly Cleaning – Ways To Clean Your Home

This Article Written By
Carly C.

Carly C.

Author / Co-Owner

Hi there, my name is Carly! I am a massive New England Patriots fan, I cannot start my day without Starbucks, and… growing up, I was my mom’s messiest kid. Who would’ve thought I would be the one to own a cleaning business.

In today’s world, more and more people are embracing eco-friendly practices in their everyday lives, including cleaning their homes. At FreshLee Cleaning Co., we’re passionate about preserving the environment while maintaining a clean and healthy living space for our clients. If you’re looking to reduce your environmental footprint without compromising on cleanliness, here are some eco-friendly cleaning tips to try.

Use Natural Cleaning Solutions

Swap out harsh chemical cleaners for natural alternatives that are safer for your family and the environment. Ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide can effectively clean and disinfect surfaces without leaving behind harmful residues. Mix these ingredients with water to create your own DIY cleaning solutions for various household tasks, from cleaning countertops to scrubbing tile grout.

Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

If you prefer the convenience of store-bought cleaning products, look for eco-friendly options that are biodegradable, non-toxic, and free from synthetic fragrances and dyes. Many companies now offer environmentally friendly cleaning products made from plant-based ingredients that are gentle yet effective. Check the labels for certifications such as Green Seal or EcoLogo to ensure that the products meet strict environmental standards.

Reduce Waste with Reusable Cleaning Tools

Instead of disposable cleaning wipes and paper towels, opt for reusable cleaning tools that can be washed and used again. Microfiber cloths are excellent for dusting and wiping surfaces, as they are highly absorbent and can trap dirt and bacteria without the need for harsh chemicals. Invest in a washable mop with reusable mop pads to clean floors, and use washable sponges and scrub brushes for tougher messes.

Conserve Water and Energy

Save water and energy during your cleaning routine by being mindful of your usage. Turn off the tap while scrubbing dishes or cleaning surfaces to avoid unnecessary water waste. Consider using cold water instead of hot water for cleaning tasks, as cold water requires less energy to heat. Opt for energy-efficient cleaning appliances, such as vacuum cleaners and washing machines, to reduce your household’s energy consumption.

Recycle and Repurpose

Before throwing away old cleaning supplies or containers, consider whether they can be recycled or repurposed. Many cleaning product bottles and spray triggers are recyclable, so be sure to rinse them out and recycle them appropriately. Get creative with repurposing items such as old T-shirts or socks as cleaning rags, or using empty jars and containers to store homemade cleaning solutions.

Support Sustainable Practices

Choose cleaning companies like FreshLee Cleaning Co. that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Look for companies that use green cleaning products, employ energy-efficient cleaning methods, and minimize waste generation. By supporting eco-conscious businesses, you’re contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet for future generations.

Sound Like Too Much Work?

Cleaning your home doesn’t have to come at the expense of the environment. By incorporating these eco-friendly cleaning tips from FreshLee Cleaning Co. into your routine, you can maintain a clean and healthy living space while reducing your environmental impact. Ready to make the switch to green cleaning? Contact FreshLee Cleaning Co. today to learn more about our eco-friendly cleaning services tailored to your needs.